Wednesday, March 30, 2011

One Month / Three Years / A Life Time

      In one month my son turns 3. Last month my daughter turned 1. but for some reason it seems like so much more than 3 years. My son Nevin has Autism. this blog is setup to share what he teaches me. I have learned so many things from him. I thought I might share them. You see I grew up as an artist. I used to see the world so vivid. And while it might be exhausting keeping up with him. My son has taught me to see the world that way again. Every thing to him is new and wonderful. Awe inspiring. Even the simple things I used to forget. Like the sound of his mom's voice when she sings, or the sun light pouring threw the window.
So this blog is about him. I hope you stay a while and enjoy. If not its a way for me to express how I'm feeling each day. So.     here it goes.....

      I have been thinking a lot about things lately. Tonight I think it is hitting me hard. I found my self looking at pictures of my son and daughter, and I nearly broke down. In some ways I blame my self for my son having Autism. Or him not getting help sooner. I see the pictures of him with big smiles when he was younger and it seems like i have forgotten that little man. It is so easy to become wrapped up in his condition and working to do what is right for him. That we forget about the little boy looking for love. My wife and I have worked hard to avoid this, but no matter how hard you try it happens some times.

   My wife doesn't know this but often i find my self thinking about him and our daughter at night. I keep asking my self if we are doing what is right for him. All i care about any more is that smile. I just want him to be happy. 

Did you know that they say its possible
To loose your self in a smile
Did you know that they say its possible
To forget the world for a while
Did you know that they say its possible
To see the stars in your eyes. 
Did you know that its impossible 
to not love you at first site. 

Well its time for this dad to go to bed. good night. 

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