Saturday, April 19, 2014

A week of adventures!

This week has been insane. Been having a rough time with isa sleeping. But seems that is under control last night she slept well. No issues at all.

I had to pull the washing machine apart because the catch before the drain pump was clogged. A wee little sock was the issue.

And Mr bun bun the newest member of our family has made a nice home and been very active and social. Little guy loves hanging with us and just chills snuggled up. Never thought a bunny would be like this.

Nevin has learned some new dances even apparently a drop it like it's hot move as mommy dubbed it. Trying to figure out were he got that one as we don't have that stuff on TV at all.

But despite drama and insanities I do believe that it was a good week.

Now daddy needs some sleep lol.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. lol

We even got to see Ms Nikki and Ms Cassie from neurotherapy at the big easter egg hunt at healing place... where we won the bunny.

Well catch you later


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tender little man

Nevin I have to admit amazes me some days. Heck he amazes me pretty much every day. You see my son can he the loudest most insane random child. He wakes up and starts dancing and maybe takes two 15 minute breaks a day. So from sun up to sun down he is dancing, bouncing, running, swinging and climbing.
But when he does calm down he takes the time to gently move all the stuffed animals and his sisters dolls to the couch and set them up like they are watching TV. Then he will just climb in the middle and sit with them.

I have even caught him dancing with Isa's life size doll.

He has the most gentle heart in the world wrapped up in a body bursting with energy and all the best intent.

And even after the hardest nights with my little girl. Momments like this give me the energy I need to keep going and going, and going, and going.

Quick some one tell energizer.  I think I got their bunny beat lol

Friday, April 11, 2014

Long days and ... well I think there was a night in there somewhere?

Today was one of those days that I couldn't wait to end. These long nights and barely any sleep are starting to wear on me. I know I do a night here or there of good sleep. But I'm to the point now that even a week of that wouldn't make me feel better. I could probably sleep for a few days non stop.

Now don't get me wrong. I love my angels with all I am. Just seems like more and more I'm falling well short of the energy to need to even get the day going.

I keep praying for breaks in the kids development and that things would get better. But it fills like it only get worse.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

He says " I'm cool like that yo"

Today has been calm compared to yesturday. Nevin did his normal picking on sister and nude trampoline time. Isa did her normal tragic dialogs. 

I'm noticing a new thing for my son. As his sister becomes more vocal and does more that he does does. His answer is to just become louder so he don't have to hear her. If she is singing a long with a son he will start bellowing at the top of his lungs. If she is playing on ipod and he likes what she is watching he will find the same thing on his and turn it up full blast. To drown hers out... While this is not really a new thing the extreme he is taking it to now is.

Good night peoples.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Which way did he go george? Which way did he go?

Yeap was one of those days. Who knew two wee ones could do so much damage. I do believe my son could be classified as a natural disaster.  This morning started off smooth. Then it went down hill fast.....

Isa decides it's a good idea to sort all the clean clothes in mommies dresser and all of mommies shoes in the closet.

Nevin during this sneaks out to the back yard about 6 times in this same time frame while letting the cats out and sending grandpa into a panic.

Then isa thinks we need to clean out under the cabinets about 8 times. Yes 8 times.

Nevin then decides to set up the trampoline behind the couch jumping from the back of the couch to the trampoline then bouncing to the big padded wedge we have like some kind of kung fu master. I think I saw a back flip in there.

Then the fight. Nevin bouncing around the bed playing keep away from his sister with her blanket while laughing hysterically as she is screaming in agony smacking him every chance she gets. All of this over him touching her bankie.

So after the fight i think it's over...

Nope time to rinse and repeat. Everything but the fight and toss in a naked nevin bouncing on the trampoline in the back yard... today has been an adventure.

Some how we managed to get some potty training in. Both kids are well fed and happy. And this afternoon i got laundry sorted and bout to put it away. Even got the living room clean.... me thinks I'm going to sleep well tonight. Here is praying my little angels do too.
