Sunday, March 30, 2014

Crazy has a new name.

The weekend as most started off uneventful. Then Saturday afternoon my mom calls. My dad is in the hospital apparently his blood pressure has gotten the best of him. 285 / 196 I think is what ems said. Now his heart is beating weird. Skipping beats and such. So I'm at the hospital stressed bout my dad till late. I finally get home at 12:20 am.

12:45 my son wakes up sick at his tummy. I'm currently on cup of coffee number 4 this afternoon and fighting to stay awake.

Now some how after a night like that.. my loving son has yet to slow down. Dancing and running and climbing.

Where do they get this energy? And what does it cost? Can I do a daily subscription to this service?

But some how. The floors got vacummed today.. I think I sleep cleaned. Because I don't remember much of it. Lol.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Back to the battle again

Ok so I think I need to make this blog work. Time to start being open and honest bout things.
I'm starting to realize how much children have developed sarcastic personalities. My son has more "tude" than most teens. And my little princess has developed an extreme ability to turn on the wet works at will. So how do you handle two children with autism with these personalities?
The rules:
1: Give up on out smarting them... they had you beat at age 2.
2: Destraction is the best tactic. Unfortunately most of the time you have to keep rule 1 in mind when attempting this......
3: 3rd time is never the charm. More like 3003rd or 30003rd .
4: pick your battles. And pick them wisely. Because you have to remember. If u start something u have to continue it. No matter what. There is no situational with autism.
Now that you have have thought up your brilliant plan.....
Please refer back to rule 1.
Repeat this cycle about 4 times.
Now it's time to address the issue at hand.
My son's sarcasm is so crazy. And it's actually funny. And he knows it's funny. That's the dangerous part. He knows it.
So here I am with a 5 year old who keeps out smarting me. And as sarcastic as a pro. And a 4 year old little girl who is just as smart and has the manipulation skills of a secret agent. Any ideas?