Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Back to Therapy

Today we start back to therapy for wsummer schedule. I know nevin will be happy. He loves therapy and his friends there. Just wish it wasn't so costly.  some times its difficult to see the good of it but i know its helping.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Lol I havent kept up with this in a LONG while but i think its about time i start again.

things have been coming a long way with Nevin and Isa. Nevin has made me so proud he is trying so hard to talk and try new foods. And any one with an autistic child knows how hard that can be for him.

Nevin is using a few words now like AGAIN!!!! and he uses it correctly when asking for something again.

Isa is off the bottle now and on to a sippy cup and drinking tang now.

We have been having a GREAT summer o Fun even in the back yard.


Im so proud of them both. They are growing up so much.  I love those two crazies of mine.

Out for now. Later